Biofunctional Prosthetic System

BPS - Biofunctional Prosthetic System

Teeth radiate character, attractiveness, and liveliness

They provide you with self-confidence, charisma, and self-assurance.

It goes without saying, therefore, that you want to gather all the necessary information before you make the decision regarding the optimum dentures for you.

Quality work with a system!

What does BPS mean?


The most important demand on your denture is to reproduce the functions of the natural teeth during mastication and speaking to a very high extent.


BPS promotes the fabrication of quality dentures. Only certified dental technicians are authorized to fabricate BPS dentures after a thorough analysis of your individual situation.


BPS dentures are fabricated of especially coordinated materials. The excellent cooperation between the dentist and the BPS-certified dental technician enables the optimum analysis of your personal data and their use for the fabrication of distinctive BPS dentures.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can gather all the necessary information about BPS dentures by consulting with a BPS-certified dental technician and discussing your individual situation. This will enable you to make an informed decision regarding the optimum dentures for you.

BPS dentures can help improve self-confidence by providing a natural-looking smile that radiates character, attractiveness, and liveliness. This can lead to increased self-assurance and charisma.

BPS dentures are fabricated of specially coordinated materials, and their fabrication involves the optimum analysis of an individual's personal data. This enables the creation of distinctive dentures that radiate character, attractiveness, and liveliness.

Only certified dental technicians are authorized to fabricate BPS dentures after a thorough analysis of an individual's situation.

BPS stands for Biofunctional Prosthetic System, which is a system for creating quality dentures that reproduce the functions of natural teeth during mastication and speaking to a high extent.